All present members who are actively working (between the ages of 18-69 years). Plan ends at death (whatever age).

The death benefit provides for payment of $1,000,000 in the event of the death from any cause.

If a member should die during 31 days following termination of membership, the death benefit to which he or she was entitled under the policy will be paid.

The Company will issue an Individual Policy without evidence of insurability to any terminating insured member who applies for the policy and pays the required premium with 31 days following termination of membership.

Proof of claim required by the Company will include proof of death, proper identification of the person(s) making the claim and any other information the Company deem necessary. Claims must be made no later than 6 months after death.


The Accelerated Benefit is that portion of the Group Life sum insured which is payable as a living benefit to Members who are diagnosed with a terminal illness.

  • Terminal illness is a medical condition which has been evaluated by a qualified Physician, to be irreversible and incurable and which will ultimately lead to the demise of the Member within six (6) months.

Additional information on Accelerated Life Benefit is available to members who wish to register in the JCIA Members Group Life Plan brochure.