Discover real benefits
Highest Return on your Savings
Our Special Deposit is just what you’re looking for with an unbeatable 8% interest per annum! Decide on an amount to save each month or deposit your lump sums and start earning.
Low Cost Family Insurance
What you care about is important to us, that includes your family. We’ve partnered with CUNA Mutual to offer you very affordable life and/or critical illness insurance.
Low Monthly Payments
Our loan products were designed with you in mind. Enjoy low and affordable monthly payments.
…and much more!!
Get Approved NOW
…because life doesn’t wait

Currently serving over…
members!! We’ve opened our bond to all employees of the Government of Jamaica, their spouse and children & past employees of the public sector who were members of the credit union when they resigned/retired.
Best choice to make, they catered to our needs. It’s family-oriented, easy to speak to, and tailored to match our financial status.
Garfield Simms
The best financial institution in Jamaica for sure.
The Public Sector Employees Co-operative Credit Union has an outstanding and unblemished record of continuously devising ways to satisfy and cater for their entire membership, paving the way towards customer satisfaction in a rapidly changing environment.